One of the main reasons for getting an elliptical machine for your home gym is that it is better for you than jogging. When you jog, there is constant jarring pressure on your knees. If you pay attention to other joggers and many famous joggers, you will notice that they all develop knee problems later in life. This brings you to trying to decide which elliptical machine to buy through elliptical trainer reviews.

An elliptical machine is so much better for your knees as there is no pressure on your legs and knees every time you land. The elliptical machine workout is smooth and you can push it as hard as you want without worrying about doing any damage. Of course, you need to do some stretching routines and warm up before you start going to hard.

The only problem with an elliptical machine is that it is so boring. It is always so much more fun and motivating to be running outside and seening the scenery go by than on my machine. When I am on my ellyptical machine, my only options for entertainment is the TV or my iPod. Outside excersize always wins hands down.

Elliptical machine reviews are great for helping you decide which machine may be best for you. They don't help you determine whether you will be able to keep up your motivation and your workouts before giving up. So many treadmills and elliptical machines are only used for clothes hangars in so many houses after a while.