If you are looking for elliptical machines reviews of the Precor EFX 556i you first need to know the best place to get a discounted model. These are expensive machines but you can get the best deals on new and used models here - Precor EFX 556i Elliptical

Elliptical machines are now the most popular and recommended way of getting a great non impact workout. The Precor EFX 556i is one of the machines you can buy for your home that is gym quality and is sure to give you the workout options you want. It has both a forward and backward elliptical stride and adjustable resistance to make your workout as varied as you want it. The machine is not as expensive as the Octane elliptical machines but it is a good alternative if you want a slightly less expensive machine.

The Precor name is a quality name in the fitness world with their elliptical machines in many gyms accross the nation. The EFX556i is a machine you can trust to give your body the total aerobic workout you want. Elliptical machine reviews of the Precor 556i are almost all good.